How Do You Know When It Is Time?
Living with a companion animal yields both boundless joy and exquisite sadness. Both are vital.
Living with a companion animal yields both boundless joy and exquisite sadness. Both are vital.
I see the world through a drinking straw. Only the smallest shards of light and life make it through to my eye. But there’s a payoff if I keep looking.
“Hell Brook Trail. Classification DDD – Extremely Difficult. The trail climbs steeply to the ridge, frequently on precipitous ledges. Descending the trail is not recommended.”
“Isn’t it interesting who you meet when you travel?”
Writing is an internal process—but it is not merely internal.
When I was young I modeled for a life drawing class. Who was that person then, and who is she now?
esterday: Christmas day. The highlight, much more than the jollity of presents and family and music, was the companionship, throughout the day, of a…